Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Best

The above picture is of Center street in the aftermath of Homecoming week. The town is filled with toilet paper. One tradition that probably should never have started. The others are of playing in the leaves right before church. Stillman Loves to crawl around in them. Not sure if its the noise they make or how they taste.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cran Fest

This is only a fraction of his energy. woo wee.

Conference Weekend

Hey All! Sorry, I still can't get that last video to come up. Hopefully these pictures come through. We had a great conference, but it just wasn't the same as up at the cabin with all of you. As you can see Stillman listened to every word, when his dad was feeding him chocolate that is. I love this time of year, it is a time I am always so grateful to be a Smith. We love you all!