Thursday, November 15, 2012

Greetings From the Ranch!

 First off, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the GREATEST time in Idaho!! Stillman can't quit talking about it!

 On the "BUS" Stillman had a complete melt down waiting for it to come. Lets just say he enjoyed the parking shuttle more than anyone else on it.
 Just checking to make sure that we were on the BUS!!
 Our front yard. Her name is T. I hope she survives us.

 Evidently LOVED the smoothie!!
 Her new move. Down ward facing dog. She spends at least 25 % of her day just like this.
 Taking his sister for a walk.
 Feeding Pork Chop.

 Making Rasberry Jam. Such a little helper!!
He has been spanked for this action hmm.... lets see... at least 40 times. Love Ya'll please make it down to the ranch soon!!