Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Gibson Girls and Me

Because all that I have in my life is school, I'll give you allan update. I'm currently working on my thesis on the Gibson Girls and I am arguing that they provide a male-friendly antithesis to the threatening suffragettes. It's a work in progress but I'm making exciting headway which involves browsing through 100 year old Harper's Weekly and Ladies' Home Journal magazines to establish a background in the visual and popular culture of the period. This has led me onto other avenues such as famous suffragettes the likes of Carrie Nation (with her ax) and a fabulous Women's club called "Sorosis." (seen here in a political cartoon from Harper's Weekly as being composed of ugly and repellent women, when in reality they were educated and forward-thinking women, proposing papers about women in the field of medicine, and so forth...) So all is going well so far. Perhaps it is unsurprising that my theoretical approach is... marxist/feminist.

And you are all invited to watch me present and defend my thesis sometime in December.


  1. As soon as you have a date get it to me. I would love to be there. Will it be before finals week?

  2. December 3 at 10:00. You'll get to hear all 7 of us seniors present our topics, which is extremely illuminating.
