Friday, December 30, 2011

Our merriest Christmas Yet!

So happy to have great uncles like Bridger and Cannon. We love this coat.
Ready for a morning walk in his new hat! Thanks Aunt Olivia and Sylvia!
Modeling his new look. Thanks Aunt Claire!
He can only do intelligent things when wearing his new bow tie. Thanks Ty and Sloane.
Harrison let him sleep with his alligator the other night. He loves it!! Thanks uncle Isaac!
Taking a ride on the new trike.
Eating the chimney off of dad's gingerbread house.

Our Christmas eve feast. Easiest Christmas Eve meal I've ever made. Thank you to our Dear old uncle Tony.

The Christmas morning line up. Youngest to oldest down the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. haha! I love this. He looks terrific in his new threads! And nobody is cuter while bouncing on a small rubber alligator.
