Saturday, February 2, 2013

Latest from the Ranch...

 Checking out our Lizard while styling his second worst haircut to date.
 Music Lessons with the maestro.
 I'm so glad when Daddy comes home.

 I've been working on getting Colette to be upset with him when he splashes her and pushes her down in the water so he will feel bad for rough housing with his sister BUT... she seems to like it!

 How could your flowers not grow if you planted them in this outfit! Thanks Lolli
 Stillman planted Cars.
 Then we ate a Popsicle to cool off on January 30. Weird but Nice. 
Love You All!!! 


  1. Your kids are sooo super cute. I love their names. Oh wouldn't it be fun to get everyone together for a reunion? You look so happy...always have. Miss you.
